A Simple Crystal Ritual for Balancing Emotions

Emotions are powerful signals that provide insight into our internal state and current triggers. However, it's crucial to maintain perspective and not let emotions completely dictate our actions. This mindful crystal meditation ritual can help you cultivate emotional balance, ground yourself in the present moment, and create energetic harmony within.

What you need:

  • Angelite and Flynt (Smoky Quartz also works beautifully if you don’t have Flynt)

  • Some relaxing and calming music to support this process


  1. Find a comfortable seated position that allows you to relax and feel supported.

  2. Working with your cleansed and programmed crystals, hold the Angelite crystal in your left hand and the Flynt crystal in your right hand. Gently close your eyes and take a moment to center yourself.

  3. Feel free to call in any Angels, Guides or Ascended Masters you wish to help support you in this ritual of balancing your emotions.

  4. Take long, slow, deep breaths and begin to attune to your own energy as well as the energy of the crystals you hold in your hands.

  5. Visualize the gentle, soothing energy of the Angelite moving in a smooth semicircle in front of your body, connecting with the grounding energy of the Flynt. Simultaneously, imagine the Flynt's energy creating a complementary semicircle around the back of your body, returning to the Angelite. This creates a continuous, circular energy flow surrounding you. Remain in this state, allowing the crystal energies to build and interweave.

  6. Gradually visualize this circular energy spiraling upward around your body, starting from your waist and ascending until it reaches the crown of your head. Then, allow the energy to flow back down through your body, eventually reaching your feet.

  7. Repeat this energetic spiral pattern several times. With each rotation, notice how you feel increasingly enveloped in the crystals' calming and balancing light. Pay attention to any shifts in your emotional and energetic state.

  8. When you feel fully grounded, centered, and at peace, you will know the session has come to an end. Take a few concluding deep breaths. Slowly open your eyes, carrying the sense of balance and harmony with you throughout your day.

I hope this helps! I’d love to hear about your experiences below.


Harnessing the Power of 11:11: A Pathway to Conscious Creation


Mary Magdalene channeling July 2024