Welcome! I’m so glad You’re here.
I want to share a little story about a book I was introduced to several years ago and a story in it that changed my life! In Dr. Barbara De Angelis' book "Soul Shifts" she spoke about this "cosmic alarm clock" that we all carry within us. She describes how one day, out of nowhere, this alarm clock goes off inside us, and we realize that we have been sleepwalking through life. It is a jarring and often alarming wake-up call where we start to remember that there is something very important we were supposed to do, and yet we haven't done it!
Perhaps you know EXACTLY what I’m referring to? If so, then we already have something major in common. For me, my cosmic alarm clock went off in my mid-30s. My guides in spirit, with whom I had been communicating since my mid-20s, were yelling at me to stop pretending I wasn't who I was - a channel, healer, teacher, and priestess. They sweetly told me that the channeled messages they shared with me were not purely for my benefit. They were meant to be shared, and sharing these messages was the way I was meant to be of service to the world.
At that pivotal "ah ha" moment, I gained new clarity, but it didn't necessarily come with a dose of courage. After doubting myself, wrestling with my fears, and finally stepping out of the "spiritual closet," everything changed! I found my peace, my connection to the Divine, my connection to other women and men who are profoundly gifted and have their own bright light to shine in this world. I found my favorite ways to be of service, and as I continued down this path, I became more lucid, and the fog began to lift.
Now, I have found my sweet spot. I am an energy healer, a teacher, and a channel. I love to channel the Ascended Masters, Angels, and high-level guides and share their wise counsel with my clients and students. Even more than that, I enjoy teaching others how to connect with the Ascended Masters themselves! It is not a privilege reserved for a lucky few; it is a privilege for us all. And I embrace my role as a sacred container to hold space for the divine- in all its beautiful forms- to connect deeply with us.
If you're seeking a safe, sacred space to reconnect with the truth of your soul, I would be honored to help you. As a channel for high-level Ascended Masters, I can relay the wisdom of these guides to you. I can then hold sacred space for you to have your own direct communication with these high-level guides. After all, they are on a mission to help us all remember the truth of who we are and are here to help support each of us in our Ascension process. My specialty is teaching other healers and teachers. And I'd be honored to walk with you on your journey to remembering who you are!