Angelic Reiki® Levels 1 & 2 Certification Training


Workshop Dates:

April 11-13, 2025


Friday, April 11, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 12, 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, April 13, 10 am to 4 pm

Cost (in-full): $685 Member / $785 Non-Member, or
Deposit: $300 Member / $400 Non-Member


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Arts Bonita!

Moe Auditorium

Performing Arts Center


Bonita Springs, FL 34135

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Workshop Dates:

April 11-13, 2025


Friday, April 11, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 12, 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, April 13, 10 am to 4 pm

Cost (in-full): $685 Member / $785 Non-Member, or
Deposit: $300 Member / $400 Non-Member


Sign Up Here


Arts Bonita!

Moe Auditorium

Performing Arts Center


Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Workshop Dates:

April 11-13, 2025


Friday, April 11, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 12, 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday, April 13, 10 am to 4 pm

Cost (in-full): $685 Member / $785 Non-Member, or
Deposit: $300 Member / $400 Non-Member


Sign Up Here


Arts Bonita!

Moe Auditorium

Performing Arts Center


Bonita Springs, FL 34135


Friday June 7th 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm EST

Saturday June 8th 10:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

Sunday June 9th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm EST

Class will be taught in an intimate and peaceful setting. Snacks, coffee and tea will be provided. 

This workshop for Levels 1 & 2, is taught in accordance with the Angelic Reiki Association, over two and a half days. Students are attuned to both the 1st and 2nd degree during which students connect with the healing Angels who then work with each individual on a permanent basis.  Students will receive Reiki symbols received via Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.  

Training will include hands-on experience utilizing various different healing methodologies. There are three attunements: two to the pure Angelic vibration of the Reiki symbols as originally given in the time of Lemuria, and the third an initiation into the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This attunement literally changes the vibration of every cell molecule and atom of the physical body and attunes our consciousness to become more in line with that of the Angels. There are four healing practices, including self-healing and distance healing.

Aside from the attunements and teachings received, you will leave the workshop with: 

  • A master crystal to hold the Angelic Codes of Healing

  • A comprehensive practitioners manual

  • Certificate of training

Levels 1/2 Angelic Reiki® is the entry level training for everyone, including those who have achieved any level of mastery in other modalities (including Usui Reiki). The Levels 1/2 workshop is open to anyone aged 16 or over provided they can fully engage in the 2½ day (17 hours) workshop. 

  • Angelic Reiki is a multi-dimensional system of energy healing that invites the high vibrational energies of the Angelic Kingdom, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the root cause of any conditions that are keeping the recipients stuck, blocked or out of balance. It helps one to release emotional, physical, and ancestral imbalances across all time and space which results in a truly transformative experience.

    Angelic Reiki® is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing and consciousness expansion that allows connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light to your Soul energy in order to bring through powerful healing; yet it is simple to learn, easy to use and a delight to receive. Much more than a healing modality, Angelic Reiki is a profound, very high frequency, multidimensional system of healing and consciousness expansion that is developmental on many levels.

  • In a one-to-one healing session, the client lies down comfortably on their back while I place my hands on their body (usually one hand is placed on the higher heart and the other on their solar plexus). I’m then used simply as a channel to help direct the Angelic healing energy through my hands, and into the client.

    Note: I am not performing healing. I am simply the doorway for the The Angelic Kingdom of Light to connect to the person who is receiving healing. I am simply holding space to keep this connection clear.

    If the client is unable to meet in person, then a distant healing session is always an option. Distance healing is equally as powerful as in person healing. Through intention and visualization, I make an energetic connection to you. This is made possible by the interconnectedness of all life and the life force energy of which all things are made. Healing energy is then sent through time and space to be received by your highest self exactly how it is needed. Distant healings are carried out over Zoom.

  • While each recipient responds to this vibration in their own individual way that best serves their highest good, most recipients report feeling deeply relaxed, as energetic blocks are being healed and released on a deep level. Recipients will sometimes see, feel or sense beings around them, or will feel very palpable shifts in their body. They may fall asleep. They may feel lighter or refreshed. Each experience is unique, and perfect in it’s own right. Rest assured that the healing was exactly as it was meant to be for your own highest good.

  • If you book a distance treatment, please be sure to come hydrated, comfortable and in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the treatment, as well as for 15-30 minutes after the treatment has ended. Many like to journal, reflect or absorb the healing that has taken place after the session has ended, so it’s best not to be rushing off the moment the session has come to an end.

  • You should continue to hydrate, get good sleep and know that you will be detoxifying on many levels after a session. You may feel weepy, tired, or drained. You may feel a desire to reflect, ground or be in nature. The important thing to note is that you will continue to release energetic debris after the session is over, so you will want to be gentle with yourself.

  • This is completely up to you. Some people like to book a session every 4 weeks, or every 6 weeks. Others opt to book a session bi-monthly, while others choose to book on an “as-needed” basis.

  • What sets Angelic Reiki® healing apart from other modalities is that it invites the high vibrational energies of the Angelic Kingdom, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work on the root cause of any conditions that are keeping the recipients stuck, blocked or out of balance. It helps one to release emotional, physical, and ancestral imbalances across all time and space which results in a truly transformative experience. Each person responds to the Divine vibration in accordance with their own level of development, and the healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other modality - whether you are a recipient or practitioner.

  • Learning Angelic Reiki® requires no prior knowledge of healing, angels or spirituality. It is suitable for complete beginners, as well as practitioners experienced in other healing modalities. All belief systems are welcomed. One does not have to have a particular religious background or affiliation to participate.

  • Yes. Levels 3/4 Angelic Reiki® requires prior successful completion of Level 1/2 with an approved AR teacher.