Healing the Divine Masculine + Reclaiming the Divine Feminine with Mary Magdalene


A 6-week Zoom course to heal the divine masculine.

Class Dates: July 22-August 26

6:30pm- 8:00pm EST

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A 6-week Zoom course to heal the divine masculine.

Class Dates: July 22-August 26

6:30pm- 8:00pm EST

A 6-week Zoom course to heal the divine masculine.

Class Dates: July 22-August 26

6:30pm- 8:00pm EST

While channeling with Mary Magdalene during the creation of the Ascended Masters course I offer, Mary pointed out, “The Divine Masculine deserves its own dedicated course.” The concept of the “Divine Feminine” is widely discussed these days, urging us to embrace and reclaim this energy within ourselves. However, it's equally important to address and heal the wounds of the Divine Masculine that reside within each of us. Our society has been dominated by masculine energy for thousands of years, steering the course of human history. Now, as we begin to consciously reclaim and embrace the feminine energy, it’s crucial to question if swinging to either extreme serves our collective best. Mary teaches the importance of merging these energies within ourselves as balance is truly what we seek. Perhaps, what we truly need is to foster love, healing, and a harmonious balance by connecting deeply with our hearts and bodies.


In this course, channeled directly from Mary Magdalene, I will serve as the conduit for her wisdom on several pivotal topics:

1. Exploring the essence of the “Divine Feminine.”

2. Understanding the “Divine Masculine.”

3. Identifying the paths to healing and acknowledging what is necessary for the equilibrium between these energies to be reinstated.


This course is designed to be immersive, incorporating meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, and channeled teachings and messages. Join us on this enlightening journey to balance and heal the divine energies that exist within and all around us.